David Wells Organ Builders Ltd is accredited for this work by the IBO.
Regular Tuning and Maintenance is an important part of keeping an organ in good condition and we are proud to include several Cathedral Organs (Bangor Cathedral, Carlisle Cathedral, Chester Cathedral, Liverpool Cathedral, Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral, Manchester Cathedral, Portsmouth Cathedral) and three Concert Hall Organs, (Hanley Victoria Hall, Liverpool Philharmonic Hall and Liverpool St George’s Hall) among our clients.
As the seasons change from cool to warm and back again, the tuning of the organ fluework will alter compared to the reeds. For this reason it is advisable to retune the reeds to the fluework from time to time. Normally, two visits a year will keep the average instrument in good tune, but where the instrument is in regular daily use more visits will be required. Not only is the organ tuned at these visits, but the action is also checked through and any notes that the organist has made are investigated. The condition of the organ may be such that a report will be necessary and proposals made for the welfare of the instrument.
We have a large clientele for the regular Tuning and Servicing of organs mainly, but not exclusively in the north-west.
Many important instruments are in our care, but none is more important than yours.